Quick 'n Easy Mail Server

Quick ‘n Easy Mail Server Version 3.3
Setting up your own mail server never has been easier!
Quick 'n Easy Mail Server for Windows 98/NT/XP/2003 and Vista(32 bits) is a complete solution for users who what to run their own mini mail server.
Use your favorite mail client (such as Outlook Express or Eudora) to send and receive email.

  • POP3 server.
  • SMTP server.
  • POP3 & SMTP authentication.
  • Multiple domains.
  • Relaying messages using internal SMTP client with DNS support.
  • Message relaying with the option to forward a specific domain to a pre-defined mailserver.
  • Unlimited connections support, multithreading.
  • Unlimited user accounts.
  • Clear and easy user interface.
  • Real time server log (can also log to a logfile).
  • IP Filter to block/allow only specific IP addresses.
  • Build-in Mail Server Setup Wizard.
  • New: Mail Forwarding: forward mail for single users or specific domains (wildcards supported).

Download zipped executable of Quick 'n Easy Mail Server

Also available as NT service: Quick ‘n Easy Mail Service Version

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